Monday, April 27, 2020

Skipton is located Essay Example

Skipton is located Essay Skipton is located just off the A65 20 miles away from the north west of Bradford. It is at the southern base of the Yorkshire Dales located on the river Elbeck which is a tributary of the river Aire. The word Skipton comes from the Saxon word for sheep hence the reason why it started off as a trading center for sheep and wool. Since then Skipton has grown a lot because it was of great importance in the industrial revolution due to the fact that the Leeds and Liverpool canal was used for trading. Skipton still remains a very historic town with many cobbled streets, a canal and a castle. The population is 16000 people approximately.Chapter 1 (traffic survey)Aim: To discover how the traffic in Skipton varies from time to time and from place to place.Hypothesis 1: The by-pass will have a greater proportion of commercial traffic than the road through the center of Skipton.Method: We were doing the first traffic survey on the Skipton by-pass the A65. We started the survey at 09:45am and f inished at 09:55am the survey lasted 10 minutes. We surveyed how many vehicles traveled to the north and south of Skipton. We recorded the results by sitting in a pair of two in the coach one of us collected the data of the vehicles traveling north whilst the other collected the data of the vehicles traveling south. At times we found it difficult because many vehicles were passing together in large amounts, for our data we wanted to see how many vehicles traveled north and south in an hour as we didnt have the time to collect data for an hour we multiplied the grand total of the vehicles traveling north and south by six.Results:Type of vehiclesVehicles moving northTotal amount of vehicles moving northVehicles moving southTotal amount of vehicles moving southCar40403535Van1151136Lorries6571046Buses057046Motor Bikes057046Caravans057046Bikes057046Other057046The chart and graph shows the total amount of vehicles that travel to the north and south of Skipton, and it also shows the types of vehicles and their amount, which traveled on the same road.Type of vehiclesVehicles moving northTotal amount of vehicles moving northTotal amount of vehicles moving north hourlyVehicles moving southTotal amount of vehicles moving southTotal amount of vehicles moving south hourlyCar40402403535210Van1151306136216Lorries6573421046276Buses057342046276Motor Bikes057342046276Caravans057342046276Bikes057342046276Other057342046276In this graph and chart u have multiplied the total amount of vehicles and the types of vehicles as shown on page 3 by six to show the hourly rate of traffic.Type of vehiclesVehicles moving into SkiptonTotal number of vehicles moving into SkiptonVehicles moving out of SkiptonTotal number of vehicles moving out of SkiptonCar65654545Van11761156Lorries177460Buses077565Motor Bike077065Caravan178065Bike078065Pedestrians791573398The above chart and graph show the number of vehicles and pedestrians in and out of Skipton.Type of vehicles/pedestriansVehicles/pedestrians moving into SkiptonTotal number of vehicles/ pedestriansTotal number of vehicles/pedestrians hourlyVehicles/pedestrians moving out of SkiptonTotal number of vehicles/pedestriansTotal number of vehicles/pedestrians hourlyCar65653904545270Van11764561156336Lorries177462460360Buses077462565390Motor Bike077462065390Caravan178468065390Bike078468065390Pedestrians791579423398588In this graph and chart I have multiplied the total amount of vehicles and pedestrians as shown on page 5 by six to show the hourly rate of traffic going in and out of Skipton in the morning.Conclusion: My hypothesis was incorrect as there was more traffic in the city center of Skipton rather than the by-pass (A65) of Skipton.My results disprove my hypothesis strongly because there was a lot more proportion of traffic in the city center of Skipton.I think the surveys were not done for long enough because if you want to collect data for a survey you need to collect that data for hours not 10 minutes but we figured out a solution to come up with the data of surveying for an hour by multiplying the total number of vehicles and pedestrians by 6.The results would have been different on a non market day because we visited Skipton on a market day and the Central business district/high street of Skipton was crowded with people and most of them people were crowding around the market whereas on a non-market day there wouldnt have been as many vehicles and pedestrians because there would be a less variety of shops and stalls to shop at.Hypothesis 2:In the morning the traffic will be going into Skipton and in the afternoon most of the traffic will be leaving Skipton.Method: I did my morning survey on Swadford Street that is at the bottom of the high street. We also did another survey in Swadford Street that was in the afternoon, which started at 12:35pm to 12:45pm that lasted for 10 minutes we also multiplied the total of this survey by 6 to make an hourly total. The traffic was going in and out of Skipton and was done in the exact same way as the first survey on Swadford Street.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Sample Visual Arts MFA Essay - The Essay Written By Your Student

Sample Visual Arts MFA Essay - The Essay Written By Your StudentWriting a MFA Essay sample is one of the most important parts in a student's education. This essay is what will get the student noticed as an educator or professional. Students will do well to take a careful look at their choices and find one that will best suit their educational needs.The main goal of this essay is to have the student identify what skills he or she has that make them an ideal candidate for the job and how these skills can be applied to the field. The student should know what experience is required and what skills are needed to succeed in the profession. There are different aspects to this essay.For example, if the essay focuses on one of the requirements for the career such as being a great artist, the student might want to highlight this skill. The student might also want to have the student examine the advantages and disadvantages of art work in general. It is also important for the student to underst and the concept of learning to be, their perception of their abilities and the rewards of doing so.A sample visual arts MFA essay can contain drawings, paintings, sculptures, and other images from the different disciplines. The student might want to use their own artistic talent to draw or paint the images. It can include teaching the student to create their own unique pieces of art. Some MFA students choose to illustrate their own masterpieces with oil paintings and acrylics.Students will need to create a portfolio with a list of their skills and talents from visual arts to music. This allows the student to highlight and support each of their different areas of expertise. When they put their work together, they might want to look at it and decide if it's what they are looking for. If it is, they will then need to illustrate the image using a drawing.It is important for students to write a sample visual arts MFA essay because this is where they will be going into the work world. The y will need to showcase the strengths and weaknesses of each of their artistic areas. Most students will do this in the first two years of study.The essay will likely last anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour depending on the type of program they are enrolled in and the number of students who they will be sharing this with. To ensure that the student does not forget important points in this section, make sure that they include the date and time that the essay was written.